Is it a Gift or is it Theft? (Part 1)
It’s a scenario we’ve seen frequently of late. Mom’s mental health had been declining for some time. Rachel called because Mom’s savings are almost exhausted and she needs nursing home care. Rachel knows she must apply for Mediciaid. And then Rachel told me about her recent discovery. Rachel only in the
Is There Any Gift Small Enough That Won’t Cause a Medicaid Penalty?
Whenever I explain how the Medicaid application process works, the toughest part is communicating to clients the uncertainty that exists because of the way the program is administered. And that can change at a moment’s notice so beware of what or who you rely on. Whenever I hear someone tell
Quite Possibly the Best Mother’s Day Gift Ever
Amanda was in an excited state when she called, wanting to make an appointment immediately for she and her mom. Amanda lives out of state but was coming home for Mother’s Day and would stay another day to meet with me. I calmed her down and asked her to share
Is Your Home an Exempt Asset Under Medicaid Rules . . .
or must it be sold and the proceeds spent down first? Click on to see my answer.