Can’t I Transfer My Home to My Child Who is Living with Me and Still Qualify for Medicaid? (Part 1)
This is a case of a little bit of information being a dangerous thing. Mom transferred her home to Susan 4 years ago. Mother and daughter had been living in the home for years. “Since I am living in the home isn’t it an exempt asset,” Susan asked. “Yes, it
What is the CSRA and How is it Calculated? (Part 2)
Last week we were discussing the Community Spouse Resource Allowance (CSRA) and how to calculate it. I also explained that a mistake in determining that number can be quite costly. Here’s how. Using my example from last week, let’s say husband, Joe is in the nursing home and wife, Mary has
What is the CSRA and How is it Calculated? (Part 1)
CSRA stands for community spouse resource allowance, that amount of money that a healthy spouse can keep and still qualify the ill spouse for Medicaid. Sounds simple but if misunderstood and misapplied, it can cost the healthy spouse tens of thousands of dollars in lost assets and additional nursing home
A Tragic Tale and a Lesson for All
Driving is always a sticky issue with aging parents and family members. Mom or Dad’s refusal to acknowledge physical and mental limitations can put their lives at risk but if they get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle they can put others at risk. A recent New Jersey wrongful