New IRS Regulations Applicable to SECURE Act
I last posted about the SECURE Act a year ago. (2/28/21, 3/8/21 and 3/14/21) This law was passed by Congress at the end of 2019 and it included significant changes concerning retirement accounts, including IRAs and employer sponsored tax deferred accounts such as 401ks. The law was mostly negative although it did
Why It Pays to Have a Carefully Drafted POA – Part 2
In my post last week I told you about a call we received from a family member serving as agent under power of attorney (POA) for a client of ours. The son had been refused access to his mother’s individual retirement account (IRA) account because the bank claimed that the POA did
Why You Need a Carefully Drafted POA (Part 1)
In this week’s blog post I want to talk about a call we received from a family member of a client whose power of attorney we prepared about 12 years ago. The son who called was acting as agent for his mother and needed to access her IRA account. The bank where
If I Move to Another State Do I Need to Update my Legal Documents? (Part 2)
If I Move to Another State Do I Need to Update my Legal Documents? (Part 2) In my post last week I discussed the need to update a power of attorney or health care directive when one moves from one state to another. This week we talk about wills and trusts. Is there