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Many of my blog posts on Medicaid focus on the financial part of eligibility - meeting both the income and asset requirements.  There are instances, however, in which meeting those requirements still won’t get someone Medicaid.  That’s because there are other hurdles to get over. One is the medical requirement, establishing the need

In my blog post last week, I discussed crowd funding sites like GoFundMe.  We see families dealing with a sudden catastrophic illness or injury attempt to use these sites to raise money to pay for medical and other bills.  It rarely is a solution if only because of the amount of money

In my post last week, I wrote about a particular solution - really attempted solution - to the financial burdens caused by a catastrophic illness or injury.  In the age of the internet, crowd funding websites have made it easier to raise money from a large group of people.  The GoFundMe site

In this week’s blog post, I write about a particular solution - or really attempted solution - to the financial burden caused by a catastrophic illness or accident.  A family member calls concerning a loved one who has suffered a serious illness or accident, one that will result in needing extensive