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  >  Articles posted by Yale Hauptman (Page 21)

So often when we receive a call from a child of an aging parent in crisis, it’s about the signs of declining mental and physical capabilities leading to the discovery of a financial crisis.  This decline in health and cognition usually means a decline in the ability to manage assets such as keeping

In my February 22 post I wrote about QITs and specifically about a case involving an application being denied because the QIT was improperly funded.  In that case my client established the QIT just before the pandemic and funded the QIT correctly in the first month but not in the several

The past 2 weeks my blog posts have covered QITs.  Last week I told you about a case in which the trustee initially transferred the correct amount to the QIT, the Medicaid recipient’s entire monthly Social Security, however, when that amount increased because of the cost of living adjustment, the trustee