Withdrawing IRA Funds Before Year End – Part 1
As we get to the close of the year, many seniors if they haven’t done so already must withdraw enough from their retirement accounts to meet required minimum distribution requirements. The tax deferred status of these accounts can increase their value substantially, however, eventually the government wants its share in taxes. The
The Problem of Unexplained Deposits – Part 2
Last week I wrote about how unexplained deposits have the potential to be more damaging to a Medicaid application than unexplained withdrawals. That’s because deposits must be explained or the application is denied for being incomplete and those same deposits must be explained in any new application unless the deposit then falls outside
The Problem of Unexplained Deposits – Part 1
More and more of the Medicaid applications we handle these days involve issues surrounding assets received by way of the death of a family member. More often than not it will be a spouse who died, however, it may also be a parent or other relative. As part of Medicaid applications now,
Medicare Open Enrollment Time
While I don’t spend much time here talking about Medicare issues, the end of the year is an important time. That’s because it is Medicare’s open enrollment period, a once a year special event. Medicare is one of the many government programs that can be confusing. There are so many different options
More Numbers for 2021
Last week I talked about some of the important Medicaid and VA numbers that will increase in 2021. This week we’ll review some more adjustments for 2021 in some of the other government programs and taxes relevant to our clients. Medicare Part B premiums will increase slightly next year. Most people pay the standard
Medicaid and VA Figures for 2021
The Social Security Administration recently announced its cost of living adjustment (COLA) for 2021. This adjustment is important not only because many seniors depend on Social Security benefits as their primary source of income. This adjustment is also applied to many of the other government programs that affect our clients’ lives. This year’s
Medicare Insurer Taking Proactive Steps Ahead of Flu Season
As winter approaches, COVID-19 infection rates have started to climb again. At the same time we are entering influenza season. Health officials have talked for some time about the potential double whammy caused by COVID infections and flu cases occurring at the same time. The symptoms of the two illnesses are similar which
Possible Tax Law Changes after the Election – Part 2
Last week I wrote about the questions we have been receiving from clients about tax law changes coming after next month’s election and what to do now. As I stated last week and I’ll say again, it is impossible to know now what changes may come, therefore, we can’t recommend any
Possible Tax Law Changes After the Election (Part 1)
Taxes are always a topic of conversation during elections, especially presidential elections. This one is no different. At the same time, our clients have begun to ask us about certain changes they have read about and what they should do now. Our answer at this point is that any talk about changes
NJ Response to COVID’s Impact on Long Term Care Facilities
Approximately half of New Jersey’s coronavirus related deaths occurred in long term care facilities. A state funded health report has made some recommendations on how to improve facilities’ responses to the virus, especially with the potential of a much talked about second wave this winter. The Manatt Health report found that the