Married Couple Medicaid Redetermination Challenges – Part 2
Last week I started talking about Medicaid’s redetermination process. Pretty much every county Medicaid office is now sending out annual redetermination notices. As I said last week, married couple cases can be especially tricky. That’s because even after Medicaid is approved, the healthy spouse must keep certain rules in mind. Let’s first review some of the
Medicaid Married Couple Redetermination Challenges – Part 1
Last year I wrote about the challenge of keeping Medicaid after you’ve been approved. Whenever I give prospective clients an overview of the Medicaid rules and what is necessary to qualify, I also explain that the rules must be followed even after Medicaid eligibility is achieved. You can’t let your guard down and
Casey Kasem Lawsuit Settlement
6 years ago I wrote about the fight over Casey Kasem. (Blog post 11-25-13). Some may not be old enough to remember Kasem who was an actor and radio personality. He is probably best known as the host of American Top 40, a nationally syndicated radio program in the 1970’s and 80’s which counted
Hiring the Wrong People to Assist with Medicaid
If you are a regular reader of my blog you know that getting a Medicaid application approved can be tricky to say the least. As the process becomes more and more involved and complex, we are receiving more calls than we ever have seeking our assistance. When I discuss our fee, people often tell
The SECURE Act – Part 2
In last week’s post I reviewed the changes to retirement accounts under a new law called the SECURE Act. I started with the positive changes but not all about the new law is a plus. The SECURE Act severely limits the ability of retirement account beneficiaries to stretch out the
Just before the holidays last month, Congress passed and President Trump signed into law significant changes to retirement accounts that affects owners and beneficiaries of tax deferred retirement accounts including IRAs and 401ks. Known as the SECURE Act (Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act), it became effective 1/1/2020. While some of the
A Long Term Care Mess (Part 3)
My posts the past two weeks have been about Mary’s problem caring for her stepmom, June after her dad died. Last week I told you that we needed to file a guardianship action. 2 doctors needed to examine June and sign affidavits stating that in their medical opinion she was
A Long Term Care Mess (Part 2)
In last week’s post I started telling you about Mary’s call concerning her stepmom, June. Mary’s dad had recently died leaving her with the responsibility of caring for June. He also left June with ¼ of his estate per his will which she knew would not last very long, approximately
A Long Term Care Mess (Part 1)
Most people don’t prepare well for the possibility of needing long term care. This story is no different but with the right steps, guidance and a lot of work this story shows what can be accomplished. Mary called us after her dad died. She wasn’t calling because she needed help with
Medicare Decision – 6 Years Later
I wrote about this decision here six and a half years ago. (Blog posts 3-25-13 and 4-1-13) The case is Jimmo vs. Sebelius and it corrected the misapplication of Medicare rules concerning coverage for rehabilitation services and therapy. The standard that had been applied for many years was whether the