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  >  Articles posted by Yale Hauptman (Page 29)

                A part of what we do as elder law attorneys involves drafting the essential legal documents that will help clients set forth clearly their wishes and help family members assist them in accomplishing their goals.  This usually includes a power of attorney, health care directive, last will and testament

                In last week’s blog post I covered the basics of how required minimum distribution (RMD) rules work for IRAs and other tax deferred retirement accounts.  To summarize you must take out a minimum amount from your account each year.  That’s RMD and it starts in the year you turn

                This week’s blog post topic is one I touched on briefly at the end of last year, required minimum distribution.  It is something that applies to retirement or nonqualified accounts and comes up frequently with clients who sometimes misunderstand it.  IRAs, 401ks and other retirement accounts are tax deferred

                This week’s post is the last of 3 on New Jersey’s tax waiver.  Last week I showed you how a small bequest in a will to a non-Class A beneficiary will trigger the need to file an inheritance tax return.  I also said, however, that in some instances a