John Hancock Latest to Drop Long Term Care
Two weeks ago John Hancock, one of the largest providers of long term care insurance announced it is withdrawing from the market. It will stop selling new long term care insurance policies. John Hancock currently has sold more than 1.2 million policies nationwide. What does it all mean? Hancock
Home for the Holidays (Part 2)
Last week I was talking about changes in loved ones we may notice around holiday time, simply because we may be returning home after some time away. So what can or should you do about it? A physical and neurological exam should identify any medical issues. A Geriatric Care Manager (GCM)
Home for the Holidays (Part 1)
Once again the holiday season is upon us, a time of joy but also stress. I’ve written about this issue in the past but it bears repeating. We often visit family members we haven’t seen in some time and that’s when changes in older loved ones become more noticeable. Some
When to Sell the Home (Part 2)
Last week I told you that Dave called because his dad needs to go to a nursing home and he is now in “spend down mode”. He plans to sell the home, spend down the proceeds from the sale and then apply for Medicaid. A straight forward, sound approach?
When To Sell The Home
Dave called me because his dad had just recently suffered a stroke and was in the hospital but ready to be discharged. Dave told me, “Dad can’t go home. We’ve been able to keep a promise we made to keep him home but at this point the family recognizes
Terminal Illness and Chronic Care Rider – A Substitute for Long Term Care Insurance? Part 2
Last week I was sharing with you Mary’s story. She had been considering the purchase of a life insurance based long term care (LTC) policy to protect her against the cost of long term care. She was then shown a life insurance policy with a terminal illness and chronic
Terminal Illness and Chronic Care Rider – A Substitute for Long Term Care Insurance?
Mary is considering the purchase of a life insurance based long term care insurance product, which she expressed an interest in after reading about it on my blog. Mary then said to me that her life insurance agent quoted her a premium on a life insurance policy with a
Increased Gas Tax – How Does It Impact NJ Estate Tax? Part 2
Last week , I wrote about the announced compromise between Governor Christie and legislative leaders that will replenish the out of money transportation fund and get much needed road projects started again. The compromise involves a 23 cent gas tax increase but tax cuts in other areas, including the
Increased Gas Tax – How Does it Impact NJ Estate Tax? #NewJerseyEstateTax
On Friday, Governor Christie and Democratic leaders in the New Jersey Legislature announced they had reached a compromise on funding New Jersey’s bankrupt transportation fund, which pays for road and bridge improvement projects and other infrastructure upgrades such as the rail system which has been very much in the
Yet Another Scam (Part 2)
Last week I was telling you how Joe got scammed. He paid money to increase his odds of winning a Publisher’s Clearinghouse prize. It was all a lie and he lost more than $22,000 which he wired to an overseas account. His children were as upset about it as