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  >  Articles posted by Yale Hauptman (Page 52)

            It’s something I always remind clients when we talk about Medicaid eligibility.  Meeting the income and asset limits are not the only requirements.   An applicant must also be medically eligible.              What does that mean?  An applicant must establish the need for nursing home level

            Last week I told you about the ABLE Act that was passed by Congress and signed by President Obama just before the Christmas holiday.  It sounds great, allowing disabled individuals to set up savings accounts, similar to a 529 plan, without losing government benefits.  But is it all its

            Just before the Christmas holiday break, Congress passed, and then President Obama signed into law, the Achieving a Better Life Experience Act (“the ABLE” Act).  The ABLE Act allows people with disabilities to open special accounts, similar to 529 college savings plans.              The interest

     Once again the holiday season is upon us, a time of joy but also stress.  We often visit family members we haven’t seen in some time and that’s when changes in older loved ones become more noticeable.  Some of the changes that may indicate your loved one needs

Each year, many of the programs that, as elder law attorneys, we deal with daily, such as VA Aid and Attendance and Medicaid, are adjusted for inflation through a cost of living adjustment. In the past month the Social Security Administration announced that Social Security recipients will receive a 1.7% increase