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  >  Articles posted by Yale Hauptman (Page 53)

                So it has finally happened.  Effective last Monday, December 1, New Jersey no longer is offering its Medically Needy program to individuals in need of nursing home level care.                 What this change does is effectively make Medicaid benefits possible to those at home and in assisted living facilities as

                Last week we were discussing whether and under what circumstance a person who is mentally impaired can execute a will.  So what happens if a person dies without a will?  How are assets passed in that case?                 New Jersey has a law that predetermines how assets are passed in

                Mom has been diagnosed with dementia.  She doesn’t have any estate planning documents, such as a will, power of attorney or health care directive.  I am often asked, “Can Mom still execute these documents?  What level of capacity is needed?”                 The legal capacity needed to execute a will is