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  >  Articles posted by Yale Hauptman (Page 55)

                Last week I raised the legal issues faced by digital assets – specifically property rights.  Who owns my Facebook account after I die?  Who can access that account when I am alive but incapacitated?                 Courts are often wrestling with these issues for the first time.  State legislatures have not,

                Technology has allowed us as a society to go places and do things never before imagined.  But, it has created issues and problems that, likewise, we could never have imagined.  Much has been written about the problem of texting while driving or “sexting” by minors.  Our laws have been

Sue called regarding her 90 year old aunt, Amelia, who had a series of strokes.  For the past 6 months she had a live in aide assisting her but it was what Sue told me about that aide which was so troubling. Amelia happened to mention that the aide took her

An important decision by federal court judge two weeks ago will have a big impact on many New Jersey assisted living residents – in a positive way.  The case, Galletta v. Velez,  directly addresses the relationship between VA and Medicaid benefits, which don’t always work well together. Some Medicaid programs have

A battle is playing out in Trenton over Governor Christie’s attempt to balance the budget by delaying payments intended to make up for years of underfunding of the State’s government pension system.   I have written in the past about how increasingly scrutinizing New Jersey has been with regard to Medicaid