Seth Rogen Shouldn’t Be Surprised
The fact that a Hollywood actor testified before Congress is not anything new. Actor, Seth Rogen spoke before a Congressional appropriations subcommittee a couple of weeks ago about the need to devote more funds and attention to fighting Alzheimer’s Disease. But what created more of a stir was Rogen’s comments afterwards
The Bank Told Me I Need a Tax Waiver (Part 2)
Last week we were discussing George’s problem in helping his mother gain access to one of his dad’s accounts after his dad recently passed away. The bank won’t permit her to tap into the account without a tax waiver. The tax waiver protects New Jersey’s interest by insuring that it’s estate
The Bank Told Me I Need a Tax Waiver
George called me because his father had recently died. He told me that his mother was having difficulty accessing all of Dad’s accounts. “The bank where he has most of his accounts wants a tax waiver,” George told me. I asked a few more questions. Dad had a few accounts at
Do You Have a Natural Support System?
It’s a growing epidemic, the number of aging Americans who have no one who would naturally be their support system as their health declines and they need assistance. A New York Times article the other day, titled “The Childless Plan for Their Fading Days”, highlights this problem and what some
Marriage and Medicaid (Part 2)
Last week we were discussing George’s dad and step-mother. Dad married Rita 5 years ago and now she needs nursing home care. Are Dad’s assets protected or must he spend them down towards Rita’s care? Even though Rita came to the marriage with few assets and they’ve been together only a
Marriage and Medicaid
George called me concerning his step-mom, Rita. Rita is in the hospital but about to be transferred to a nursing facility where she will remain on a long term basis once Medicare coverage stops. The conversation quickly turned to Medicaid. George explained that Dad and Rita have been married 5 years.
Tax Fraud or Medicaid Penalty? Part 2
Last week we were discussing Joe’s problem. His brother Jim had been using Dad’s account to buy and sell Jim’s investments, presumably because having Dad pay the tax instead of Jim was more beneficial. However, what happens when Dad applies for Medicaid? Medicaid will definitely question the $500,000 in assets transferred
Tax Fraud or Medicaid Penalty?
Joe called me because he had just taken over Dad’s finances and the management of care from his brother, Jim. That’s when he made a discovery that troubled him and caused him to reach out to us. Dad was still living at home alone but his health was declining. Joe began
NY Times Article on VA Aid and Attendance – Just a Little Misleading (Part 2)
Last week I was discussing the recent New York Times article, which profiled a World War II veteran, Henry Schaffer. Mr. Schaffer, according to the journalist, paid a VA accredited attorney to get him VA benefits, only to find out that he doesn’t qualify because his income is too high.
NY Times Article on VA Aid and Attendance – Just a Little Misleading
Two weeks ago there was a front page New York Times article titled, “Winning Veterans’ Trust and Profiting From It”. The article profiled a World War II veteran, Henry Schaffer, who was told by a VA accredited attorney that he could qualify for a VA pension that would help him