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The Medicaid Spend Down Scramble - Part 2 In my blog post last week, I wrote about the rushed process of spending down assets to achieve Medicaid eligibility for one spouse without severely impoverishing the other non-Medicaid “community spouse”.  While maximizing what that spouse can keep - what is known as exempt

In this week’s post I will review the updated numbers for 2024 for the VA program that provides a benefit to wartime veterans and their spouses.  Known as the VA Aid and Attendance program, this benefit provides a special pension to eligible applicants who need long term care. The maximum pension amount

Last month in this blog I updated you on some of the new Social Security and Medicare numbers for 2024.  The recently announced cost of living adjustment (COLA) of 3.2% has resulted in a much smaller benefit increase than the past 2 years. Many other federal programs are tied to the Social