Can I Be Paid to Care for Mom?
In times of crisis, families pull together. Long term care is no different. So much of the care is administered by family members. And it doesn’t take too long before the question is asked. “Can I be paid to care for my mom or dad?” A recent New Jersey case
Cuts in Prescription Drug Plans Coming?
Here in New Jersey our new governor, Chris Christie, is making some tough, and unpopular, decisions in an effort to close a huge state budget deficit. While I have written previously about his focus on reducing teachers’ pensions and benefits, a fight that is expected to continue, the latest changes
Obama’s CLASS Act – Good Idea or Wasted Effort? (Part 2)
Last week we reviewed the specifics of the new CLASS Act which is part of the new health care reform bill that passed through Congress and was signed into law by President Obama last month. CLASS attempts to provide coverage for long term care. But, is it going to have
Obama’s CLASS Act – Good Idea or Wasted Effort (Part 1)
Congress’ passage of President Obama’s health care reform last month has generated much controversy and fear, including, in some cases death threats against politicians in Washington who voted for it. I have been asked my thoughts on the long term care provisions contained in the bill, known as the Community
Multigenerational Households – A Long Term Care Solution? Maybe
An article in last Sunday’s business section of the Star Ledger, New Jersey’s largest daily newspaper, caught my attention. It discussed the rising trend of multigenerational households, highlighted by quotes from a few families in which adult children modified their homes so their parents could move in. Looking at it
If Dad Needs Nursing Home Care will the State take Mom’s Home (Part 2)?
Last week we ran through the basics of estate recovery, when the State will – and won’t – seek reimbursement for benefits paid out. This week we’ll look at how that process actually works in real world situations – and doesn’t work. For example, what does the “estate” consist of?
If Dad Needs Nursing Home Care will the State Take Mom’s House?
It’s a question I get - or some variation of it - probably more often than any other, and it refers to what is called “estate recovery”. As part of the deal that the states enter into with the federal government before they can get federal funding for their Medicaid
New Social Security Policy Change an Indication of More to Come?
A decision last month by the Social Security Administration (SSA) to add new medical conditions to its list of “Compassionate Allowance” conditions, including forms of Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia, may signal a change in how the government views and treats those illnesses from which a disproportionate number of long term
Why Pay Someone to File an Application I can Complete Myself?
The call usually starts out this way. “I’ve given all of Dad’s money to the nursing home already and am ready to apply for Medicaid. His situation is really simple. I can handle it myself but I just have a few questions.” I’m always happy to try to help whenever
The Difference Between Medicare and Medicaid
In speaking with people about Medicaid, they will often refer to it as Medicare. Perhaps it’s just a slip of the tongue since the two words sound so similar. But, I think, there is very often a fundamental misunderstanding about the two programs. Medicare is the federally funded and state