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  >  Estate Administration (Page 3)

Over the years I have written a number of blog posts about the reasons everyone should have a will and more specifically a formal one.  Too many adults don’t and high profile celebrities are no different than the general population.  I wrote 10 years ago about the litigation surrounding James Gandolfini’s estate

People will sometimes ask me why they need a will if they don’t have any probate assets.  This might be because they believe everything is owned jointly with right of survivorship or because they own nothing.  It usually turns out, however, that they do own something.  It might be a car that is

In my post last week I began to tell you about a real estate sale that we were asked to help finalize because the deceased owner’s estate administration process had never been completed.  Actually, the person who inherited ownership had also died as did the person who inherited it from that

I wrote two posts last November about a common problem we see.  A real estate transaction is about to close when someone - usually the title company - determines that no one has been appointed as administrator or executor with authority to sign the closing documents on behalf of the deceased