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In my last blog post of 2024, I discuss changes to estate and gift taxes for 2025.  As with Social Security and the Medicaid and VA programs which I have already detailed here in past weeks, inflation adjustments have changed some numbers applicable to estate and gift taxes. Estate tax is due

In my post last week I wrote about the trial in the matter of Aretha Franklin’s estate to determine which of two handwritten wills would be admitted as her last will.  The case illustrates the reasons why everyone should have a will executed in accordance with state law and preferably typewritten

Over the years I have written a number of blog posts about the reasons everyone should have a will and more specifically a formal one.  Too many adults don’t and high profile celebrities are no different than the general population.  I wrote 10 years ago about the litigation surrounding James Gandolfini’s estate

Last week I wrote about the process of probate and how easy it is to admit a will to probate without the need to appear before judge if it is a self-proving one. But what exactly is a self-proving will? New Jersey law sets out clear instructions on how to make

                Every year between June and September we are contacted by parents who have children that have turned age 18 and are going off to college.  I have written in the past about the importance of parents having their child execute a power of attorney and health care directive because