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  >  New Jersey Medicaid (Page 14)

       The topic of annuities comes up regularly when we get a call regarding the need for Medicaid benefits to pay for long term care.  Sometimes the caller has questions about whether it is a good idea to buy an annuity in anticipation of Medicaid.  Other times someone

                Not a week goes by in which someone doesn’t call us about Medicaid eligibility as it relates to trusts.  The question is usually some version of the following, “I transferred assets to an irrevocable trust.  Can you confirm for me that those assets are protected and not countable by

                John called because his dad, who had been receiving Medicaid in a nursing home for several years, had just received a notice that his benefits were being terminated at the end of the month.  He told me he had hired one of the companies that does Medicaid applications because

                Mary called because her mom is currently in a nursing facility in Florida.  She wants to bring her up north to be closer to Mary.  She then told me that a Florida attorney prepared a personal services contract in which Mom paid Mary a sum of $100,000 to provide