Home Based Medicaid – A Deceiving Benefit – Part 2 #HomeBasedMedicaid
I told you last week that Jim’s dad was running out of money. Living at home with aides providing him with round the clock care, Jim was thinking that once the cash runs out he can apply for Medicaid under New Jersey’s home based Medicaid program #NewJerseyMedicaid. Jim’s plan
Home Based Medicaid – A Deceiving Benefit #HomeBasedMedicaid
Jim called because his dad was running out of money. Dad is living at home with two aides that provide him with round the clock care. He owns the home he lives in but only has approximately $30,000 of liquid assets left. Jim figured home based Medicaid would be
College and Long Term Care – ??? (Part 3) #LongTermCare
The last two weeks I have been telling you about an increasing trend that we are seeing in cases that come through our office- grandparents who are paying for college, daycare, camp expenses etc. for their grandchildren. While a big help to the children of our clients who can’t
Medicaid Estate Recovery – The Facts (Part 2) #MedicaidEstateRecovery
Last week I was telling you about a common topic of confusion when it comes to Medicaid – the potential for estate recovery – that process by which the State attempts to recoup money from the estates of Medicaid recipients to offset the amount of Medicaid benefits it paid
Medicaid Estate Recovery – The Facts (Part 1) #MedicaidEstateRecovery
I got a call the other day from the son of a client. We had obtained Medicaid for his father, preserving the home and just under $120,000 under Medicaid’s Community Spouse Resource Allowance (CSRA) for his mother. He called to tell us that Dad just died but he also
Can Family Pay for Private Room When Loved One is Receiving Medicaid? #Medicaid
It’s a question that I’ve been asked numerous times over the years. It’s also one that has caused a lot of confusion. I’ve spoken with some nursing homes who have told me their belief that it violates Medicaid rules. That is incorrect. Here’s the scenario. Mom receives Medicaid, which
What Happens When You Don’t File for Medicaid When You Should (Part 2) #Medicaid
Last week I was telling you about the call I received from Shelly. Her mom was sued by the nursing home where her husband resided for the last 4 months of his life. She failed to file a Medicaid application which would have covered the cost of that care.
What Happens When You Don’t File for Medicaid When You Should #Medicaid
Shelly called to ask the following questions, “Does my mom have to tell the nursing home where her bank accounts are located?” In order to answer the question, I had to dig a bit deeper to find out what exactly was going on. This is what I learned. Shelly’s dad had
Nursing Home Resident with Personal Injury Claim (Part 2) #Medicaid
Last week I was telling you about Mary who received a personal injury settlement while on Medicaid. Because she is over age 65 she can’t protect the money by placing it in a special needs trust #SpecialNeedsTrust for her own benefit. What other option does she have? What we examine
Nursing Home Resident with Personal Injury Claim #Medicaid
A personal injury attorney called me recently for assistance. Melissa had settled a claim for damages resulting from the negligence of a nursing facility in which her client, Mary had been living. Mary’s net settlement after paying her legal fees and the costs of the lawsuit is approximately $100,000.