What is the CSRA and How is it Calculated? (Part 2)
Last week we were discussing the Community Spouse Resource Allowance (CSRA) and how to calculate it. I also explained that a mistake in determining that number can be quite costly. Here’s how. Using my example from last week, let’s say husband, Joe is in the nursing home and wife, Mary has
What is the CSRA and How is it Calculated? (Part 1)
CSRA stands for community spouse resource allowance, that amount of money that a healthy spouse can keep and still qualify the ill spouse for Medicaid. Sounds simple but if misunderstood and misapplied, it can cost the healthy spouse tens of thousands of dollars in lost assets and additional nursing home
Mom is Helping Her Out of Work Son – Problem for Medicaid?
Click on http://www.youtube.com/HauptmanLaw to see my answer. (Sound may need to be adjusted on your computer.)
What Exactly is the Medicaid Penalty?
And how can it hurt me? Click on http://www.youtube.com/HauptmanLaw to see my answer.
A Muddy Medicaid Paper Trail Leads to Potential Financial Ruin (Part 2)
Last week we were discussing Gail’s difficulty getting Medicaid for her mom. She had spent down Mom’s assets but because there was not a clear paper trail, Medicaid was approved, but with a 6 month penalty. This meant that Gail would be on the hook for 6 more months of
A Muddy Medicaid Paper Trail Leads to Potential Financial Ruin ( Part 1)
Medicaid applications are getting tougher to get approved these days. Gail called us when Mom had just entered the nursing home after having lived with her for several years. Mom had 2 months of funds remaining. Gail called us to handle the Medicaid application. I told her we had to
Is it a Gift or is it Theft? (Part 1)
It’s a scenario we’ve seen frequently of late. Mom’s mental health had been declining for some time. Rachel called because Mom’s savings are almost exhausted and she needs nursing home care. Rachel knows she must apply for Mediciaid. And then Rachel told me about her recent discovery. Rachel only in the
Is There Any Gift Small Enough That Won’t Cause a Medicaid Penalty?
Whenever I explain how the Medicaid application process works, the toughest part is communicating to clients the uncertainty that exists because of the way the program is administered. And that can change at a moment’s notice so beware of what or who you rely on. Whenever I hear someone tell
Is Your Home an Exempt Asset Under Medicaid Rules . . .
or must it be sold and the proceeds spent down first? Click on http://www.youtube.com/HauptmanLaw to see my answer.
An Abandoned Safe with $176,000 – Who’s the Rightful Owner?
Estate recovery is the process by which the State can seek reimbursement of Medicaid benefits it has paid during a person’s lifetime from assets of the probate estate after the Medicaid recipient dies. But, if one must spend down to less than $2000 what is left for the state to