2 Years Private Pay and Then Medicaid – Part 2
In my post last week, I told you about a son who called. His mom had been paying for care for almost 2 years at an assisted living facility (ALF). Thinking he was ready to apply for Medicaid benefits, he called our office for help. His mom, however, still owned real estate worth
The Medicaid Spend Down Scramble – Part 2
The Medicaid Spend Down Scramble - Part 2 In my blog post last week, I wrote about the rushed process of spending down assets to achieve Medicaid eligibility for one spouse without severely impoverishing the other non-Medicaid “community spouse”. While maximizing what that spouse can keep - what is known as exempt
The Medicaid Spend Down Scramble – Part 3
The Medicaid Spend Down Scramble - Part 3 In my blog post for this week, I finish the topic of the spend down process before Medicaid and why it is so important to the financial well being of the healthy non-Medicaid spouse. As I explained last week, maximizing what that spouse, known
The Medicaid Spend Down Scramble – Part 1
I have written in past blog posts about Medicaid’s 5 year look back and the need to be familiar with the transactions that Medicaid will be reviewing. We still, however, receive many calls where a quick spend down to Medicaid is necessary. In the case of a married couple where only one
2024 Medicaid Numbers
Last month in this blog I updated you on some of the new Social Security and Medicare numbers for 2024. The recently announced cost of living adjustment (COLA) of 3.2% has resulted in a much smaller benefit increase than the past 2 years. Many other federal programs are tied to the Social
Another Medicaid Cautionary Tale – Part 3
In my blog post last week, I explained that John was unsuccessful in his attempts to obtain Medicaid benefits for his mom. He then ended up being sued by the facility for the amount of unpaid bills which were not covered by Medicaid. But why did his repeated attempts fail? From my conversation
Another Medicaid Cautionary Tale – Part 2
In my blog post last week I told you about John’s call to our office. John had made several unsuccessful attempts to obtain Medicaid for his mom who was in a nursing facility. He called because he had been sued by the nursing home where his mom had been residing. The facility was
Another Medicaid Cautionary Tale – Part 1
We received a call some weeks ago from a caller named John, whose mother was in a nursing facility. He had attempted several times to qualify her for Medicaid. Each attempt was unsuccessful. After the last unsuccessful attempt he took his mother home to “regroup”. John called our office when he received a summons
The Types of Long Term Care Facilities and Why it Matters – Part 1
Searching for care options for a loved one can be very confusing. When you add to the mix the possibility that there may not be enough money to cover the cost of that care - in other words when government benefits such as Medicaid may be needed - it adds another
Is There Ever an Easy Medicaid Application? Part 4
In last week’s post I continued to tell you about a Medicaid application which our client characterized as easy but turned out to be not so much. One check deposited into an account we were aware of, then led us to 2 other accounts in another bank that we had