On Credit Cards and Medicaid – Part 2
In last week’s post I told you about two calls I received regarding Medicaid. In each case the caller was concerned about how credit card charges on a Medicaid applicant’s card affects eligibility. A common misconception about Medicaid is that debts affect eligibility. Not true, at least in the sense that the State
On Credit Cards and Medicaid – Part 1
In this week’s post I want to tell you about two recent calls we received that highlight the same issue. Each caller reached out to us concerned about a family member who soon will run out of money to pay for long term care. Recognizing the need for Medicaid benefits, the callers
Recent Trends with Medicaid Applications – Part 2
In my post last week I told you why I think Medicaid applications have become more difficult to get approved. This week I will talk about the ways the State has made it more challenging. One way, which I have written about several times over the past few months is the QIT
Recent Trends with Medicaid Applications – Part 1
I have been saying for some time that Medicaid benefits are much more difficult to obtain now than at any time I can recall in the last 25 years I have been filing applications on behalf of clients. There are a number of reasons for this and a number of ways
Another Word About QITs – Part 5
In my last post on this topic (4/4/21) I told you about a case involving a qualified income trust (QIT) that was not used correctly causing the denial of a Medicaid application which we had filed. I appealed and the judge reversed the denial excusing the technical mistakes made by the
Another Home Based Medicaid Option – Part 3
In the final post of 3, this week I again discuss the Personal Preference Program, a home based Medicaid program. As I explained last week, once an applicant is approved through the usual Medicaid application process, a consultant is assigned to the case to determine a budget that is then used
Another Home Based Medicaid Option? Part 2
Last week I wrote about another possible home based Medicaid option in New Jersey beyond the traditional one. It’s called the Personal Preference Program or PPP. It gives the Medicaid recipient and his or her family members more control over the type of care the recipient receives. As I stated last week the
Another Home Based Medicaid Option?
In the past year we have probably handled more Medicaid home based applications than in the previous 5 years combined. Much of this has to do with the current pandemic and the reluctance of families to place their loved ones in facilities where maintaining Covid safety is more difficult than in
How Scrutinizing is Medicaid Really? Part 2
Last week I wrote about a question I hear often about Medicaid. Isn’t there a certain amount of gifting that is allowed under Medicaid regulations? The answer as I stated last week is that there really isn’t. Any gift or transfer for less than fair value is subject to a penalty. In practice, however,
How Scrutinizing is Medicaid Really? Part 1
I had a conversation with a client recently about avoiding potential Medicaid penalties if and when she is ready to file a Medicaid application. She asked me a question I get often. “Is there an amount I can gift that is small enough that would not trigger a Medicaid penalty, say for