The Home and Not Much Else (Part 2)
In last week’s post I laid out a common fact pattern we see in our office. In short, it’s a case where long term care is needed and there is not much in the way of liquid assets to pay for it but there is a house which the senior owns
The Home and Not Much Else (Part 1)
In this week’s post, I address a common problem we see often in our office. An elderly client owns a home but very few other liquid assets. Income from Social Security and pensions is enough to meet monthly expenses - but then things change. Long term care becomes necessary. That’s when the status quo
How Not to Lose Medicaid (Part 5)
In last week’s post I explained that when the non-Medicaid spouse dies, the Medicaid spouse must receive at least a minimum amount of assets from the deceased spouse. This is known as the elective share and in New Jersey is determined to be 1/3 of the deceased spouse’s estate less what
Happily Married or Something Else? Part 1
Through the years we have had many clients who have been happily married for the second or third time. When it comes time to address a long term care crisis, however, navigating the long term care system and determining how to get the best care for the ill spouse while not
Longtime Partners but Never Married (Part 3)
In this 3rd post on longtime partners living together but never married, Bill needed long term care and Mary was concerned about how to pay for it and at the same time be able to afford her own living expenses. As I explained last week, the house they lived in and
Longtime Partners but Never Married (Part 2)
In my post last week I began to tell you about Bill and Mary. Partners for 50 years, they never actually tied the knot. Bill had a stroke and they are now faced with $14,000 per month in long term care expenses. The home they live in is owned by Bill. Mary is not
What Makes an Annuity Medicaid Compliant – Part 3
In last week’s post, I explained how a Medicaid compliant annuity (MCA)works in a married couple situation. This week we’ll see how it can be helpful in the case of a single Medicaid applicant. An MCA can be useful in preserving some assets when there is no chance of waiting out a
What Makes an Annuity Medicaid Compliant? (Part 2)
In last week’s post I explained what makes an annuity a Medicaid compliant annuity (MCA). This week I’ll explain how MCAs are helpful in qualifying for Medicaid. If you are a frequent reader of this blog you know that Medicaid is a needs based benefit with an asset limitation and also income
What Makes an Annuity Medicaid Compliant?
We have recently received a number of calls inquiring about Medicaid compliant annuities. Similar to QITs which I wrote about here a couple of months ago, there is much misunderstanding of what is and is not a Medicaid compliant annuity (MCA) and when it can be used. First, let’s clearly define an
Don’t Forget About the Elective Share – Part 2
Last week I wrote about Jim’s call to our office. His dad died leaving everything to Jim, including the task of taking care of his mom who had been living at home needing nursing home level care. Jim had found a nursing facility who would take her in. It would cost him $100,000