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In last week’s post, I explained that when a Medicaid recipient’s spouse dies the estate administration process can take time to complete.  This process impacts the Medicaid spouse because - like it or not - that spouse must receive a minimum amount of assets under New Jersey’s elective share. Obviously, this could

In last week’s post, I was explaining that the death of the non Medicaid spouse impacts the continued eligibility of the Medicaid spouse.  That’s because the Medicaid spouse’s income and/or assets may change.  The asset change is the more complicated one, in part because the estate administration process takes time.   An application must

In my post last week I told you about a financial scam involving artificial intelligence (AI).  This type of imposter scam is expected to result in losses approaching $2.6 billion.  As I explained, voice cloning has become very easy to do with technological advances.  A distressed call from a family member can sound

I most recently wrote about financial scams in this blog back in October but a recent story on the tv news caught my eye. I wanted to share it here as another example of the “dark side” of technology to which seniors especially can be susceptible. It involves voice cloning. Advances

In this third post of three, I talk again about financial fraud, something it seems that has become more prevalent with each passing year.  Last week I discussed some basic do’s and don’ts with respect to emails. But if my mom walks into her bank and wants to withdraws a large amount