The Aide that Moved Right in (Part 2)
Last week I was telling you about Sue, who called about her 90 year old aunt, Amelia. Amelia had hired a home health aide through what she thought was a home health agency. Sue recently learned that the aide had taken Amelia to an attorney who prepared legal documents designating
The aide that moved right in
Sue called regarding her 90 year old aunt, Amelia, who had a series of strokes. For the past 6 months she had a live in aide assisting her but it was what Sue told me about that aide which was so troubling. Amelia happened to mention that the aide took her
Home Health Aide – Employee or Independent Contractor? (Part 2)
So, Mom needs a home health aide. Hire an agency or hire an aide directly? As I explained last week, some of my clients make that decision based solely on cost. They can pay an aide less than they would pay an agency. That typically is because they are treating
Home Health Aide – Employee or Independent Contractor?
It’s a conversation we have with most of our clients at some point when guiding them through what we call the elder care journey. Mom wants to stay at home but needs assistance with some of what are known as the activities of daily living – eating, bathing, dressing, walking
A Tragic Tale and a Lesson for All
Driving is always a sticky issue with aging parents and family members. Mom or Dad’s refusal to acknowledge physical and mental limitations can put their lives at risk but if they get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle they can put others at risk. A recent New Jersey wrongful
How Does Medicaid View Long Term Care Insurance?
Mary cared for her husband, John, at home. John had long term care insurance to help pay for a home health aide. However, over time, keeping John at home simply became impossible and Mary was forced to place him in a nursing facility. She applied the insurance towards the cost