More on New Jersey’s Transfer of Home to Caregiver Child Exception
The child caregiver exception to Medicaid transfer rules is one that many people focus on in an effort to protect the home and transfer it from parent to child. It is also one that New Jersey Medicaid scrutinizes very closely. New Jersey has rejected this exception where the child had
Can a Healthy Spouse Keep Any of the Medicaid Spouse’s Income?
In some cases the community spouse is entitled to continue receiving a minimum amount of the institutional spouse’s income, known as the Minimum Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance (MMMNA). In 2012, New Jersey’s MMNNA figure is $1,839/month. If the community spouse has income less than $1839 per month then he/she
Lessons Learned from Hurricane Sandy – From an Elder Law Attorney’s Perspective
The past two weeks have been crazy times here in New Jersey. From a late season hurricane to another autumn snow storm, which now seems to be the new norm. When not in search of gas, my staff and I made some interesting observations from the calls we have received
Medicaid – You Can’t Turn Back the Clock
A very important concept to understand is that when we apply for Medicaid, as of that pick up date - the date we want Medicaid to start paying the nursing home - all transactions are written in stone. We can’t change them. What do I mean by that? Let's say, for
When It Comes to New Jersey Medicaid What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You
We were discussing how Medicaid in New Jersey, and around the country, is a constantly changing landscape. Clients hire us for our experience in navigating through this maze and guiding their applications to success (ie. Medicaid approval). An important point to remember is that the Medicaid caseworkers don’t know all
New Jersey Medicaid – More Grey than Black and White
As an elder law attorney, when clients come to us for guidance on long term care and government benefit programs such as Medicaid, I often must first explain how much uncertainty there is. That is a difficult concept for many because we have been taught to believe that the law
How many New Jersey Medicaid program are there?
As New Jersey elder law attorneys, we regularly work with the Medicaid programs that provide long term care benefits. We categorize them as institutional Medicaid and community waiver Medicaid. Institutional Medicaid covers long term care in a nursing home. New Jersey is an “income cap state with a medically needy