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     Human life expectancy in the past 100 years has been substantially lengthened as a result of advances in medical science.  However, as we know the quality of an extended life span isn’t always great.  Many people live with serious illnesses such as COPD, heart disease, cancer, Parkinson’s Disease etc.

      Do a search online and you can quickly find advertisements for websites and software that will help you prepare your own will and other legal documents.  Some choose this option to save the legal fees.  But is this being “penny wise but pound foolish”?             Estate planning is as much

          The holiday season is a time to connect or reconnect with family.  We might visit with parents or other family members that we haven’t seen in some time and that’s when changes in their health become more noticeable such as: Weight loss Deterioration in personal hygiene Unusually dirty or messy home Unusually loud

            The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid has announced 2016 numbers for Medicare premiums, deductibles and coinsurances. Once again, the basic Medicare Part B premium will remain the same at $104.90.  That number has not changed for the past 3 years.             However, approximately 30% of beneficiaries will receive an increase