Hospital Escape Story – Part 2
Last week I was telling you about a story related to me by a parent of children who just turned age 18 and which reinforced for her the importance of having proper legal documents in place now that would allow her to make important decisions for her children. So,
Resistance to Power of Attorney – Part 3
In this week’s post we continue with the topic of power of attorney and specifically how to handle resistance from banks and financial institutions. Last week I outlined the scenarios in which a bank can refuse to honor a power of attorney. New Jersey law says that a banking
How to Handle Resistance to POA – Part 1
I have written several posts over the years on the importance of powers of attorney and the problems many people encounter when trying to use them. It seems that as time has passed the problems have only increased in frequency. Just this past week we received two
Searching for a Support System (Part 3)
In last week’s blog post I explained some options for our hypothetical client, Jane Doe, who has a limited family and friend support system. Neighbors, friends from different walks of life and professionals both on the health care and legal/financial side can be alternatives. I have found
Searching for a Support System (Part 2)
Last week I was talking about the hypothetical client, Jane Doe. Jane does not have a family and friend support system to turn to when she can no longer handle her own financial and medical affairs and decision making. What options does she have? Trusted
Searching for a Support System (Part 1)
I received a reader email a few weeks back asking me to write about aging seniors who have no family or friends to rely on. I wrote about this topic last January (see blog posts 1-2-17 and 1-9-17) but we are seeing the scenario with increasing frequency,
The Problem with Out of State Documents – Part 1
I am often asked whether moving from one state to another requires someone to redo their legal documents. While I obviously don’t have knowledge of the laws in every state, my general answer is that I am not aware of any state that invalidates a will, power
The Problem with Springing Powers of Attorney
We rarely use springing powers of attorney in our office. A recent case with a client who has one reminds me why. George’s son, Jim came to us because his dad is in a nursing home. He will need to stay there on a long term basis. George has
What to Do When You Have No One to Help (Part 2)
Last week I presented to you the hypothetical, but very common case, of Jane who is in the hospital and has acute and chronic health issues. She has no family or she is estranged from her family. The immediate problem is that she has no designated person to act